We provide revolutionary analytical & structure determination solutions for industry.
Our proprietary AI software allows use to uncover hidden dynamics and investigate where common methods fall short.
Fully industrial cryo-EM technology
AI enbaled analytical & 3D structure determination
Highly automated & quality controlled workflows
Fas turnaround times
ATEM dawned into existence by Dr. Karl Bertram and Daniel Winkler when they realized their diverse set of skills complemented each other. With Karl’s cryo-EM expertise and Daniel’s business savvy, they built the foundations of ATEM.

And here we are today

ATEM is an innovation leader in the Tech-Bio field and is rooted in the scientific foundations of software-enabled cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). Founded by a team of interdisciplinary experts, we strive to revolutionize cryo-EM with high-throughput AI enabled analytical applications for novel modalities and 3D structure determination solutions.

Today, we operate and expand our cryo-EM platform for tailored pharmaceutical applications. Our portfolio includes innovative solutions for key applications in the pharmaceutical industry such as Lipid-Nano-Particles (LNPs), Adeno Associated Viral Vectors (AAVs) and 3D Structure Epitope Mapping.

We are a growing a team of passionate innovators, unafraid to dive into experimental science and invent new ways to refine old techniques. Our experience melds together into one common goal—To enable scientist around the world in their undertaking to better characterize and understand the drugs they design.

In our journey

We defined who we are


We show courage by embracing change and not being afraid to make bold decisions, even in the face of uncertainty or failure. Being courageous is what allows us to continue to innovate and develop.


We build trust with our employees, business partners, and everyone we interact with by being honest and professional in every interaction, and following through on our word.


We empower each other to take ownership of our actions, words, and results. We embrace our successes and own our mistakes, correcting them quickly by finding solutions rather than identifying problems.


We deliver results consistently and in time, no matter the situation, holding ourselves to high-quality standards. We stick to our core values and beliefs, even in difficult times.


Applying GMP rigor to all our analytical assays for reproducibly accurate results.


We value our employees equally, listen to their ideas and concerns with dignity and professionalism. Opinions may differ, but that’s often an opportunity to cultivate ideas and solve problems.

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