Meet the Founders

From our founders
At ATEM we believe that industrial Cryo-EM is still in its infancy. We are building a unique AI integrated platform to meet the commercial demands of industry, and to unlock the full potential of the technology.

Co-Founder & Managing Director / Cryo-EM specialist

Karl Bertram

Dr. Karl Bertram completed his PhD and postdoctoral position at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, where he focused on the 3D structures of human spliceosomes. With his strong background in cryo-EM, he co-founded ATEM, providing his knowledge to develop an entirely novel cryo-EM platform.

Co-Founder & Managing Director / Business specialist

Daniel Winkler

Daniel Winkler graduated from WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management with a degree in Business Administration. After years of accumulated business and finance expertise, he continued to expand his ideas and formed ATEM together with Dr. Karl Bertram.